September 26–28, 2017 | Washington, DC
About the Meeting
New State Directors Training: The Basics of AEFLA Grants Management
September 26–28, 2017
U.S. Department of Education
Potomac Center Plaza (PCP)
550 12th Street, SW
10th Floor Auditorium
Washington, DC
Workshop Goals
This three-day meeting hosts new state directors and staff from across the nation. Workshop goals include:
- Enhancing new State Director and staff knowledge of program requirements, including key provisions of the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) and federal regulations including Uniform Guidance, applicable to formula grants.
- Providing new State Directors and staff with the resources and tools needed to effectively manage day-to-day state-level adult education operations consistent with federal law and relevant regulations.
- Fostering networking among new directors and staff in similar circumstances.