Call for Presentations
Presentations are being solicited for a concurrent session entitled Peer Presentations on Promising Practices.
Submitted presentations should include a a brief proposal (maximum 300 words) and up to 10 PowerPoint slides illustrating the presentation. Proposals should be singled-spaced, 12 point font and must include:
- Title of presentation
- Presenter name(s), affiliation(s), and e-mail(s)
- Session Topic:
- Career pathways development
- Equity in CTE and higher education
- Innovations in supporting low-income and at-risk students
- Using data to support CTE program improvement
- Teaching employability and soft skills
- Forming strong employer partnerships
You must register for the Minority Serving Community Colleges: Uniting for Student Success prior to submitting a proposal. Once registered, you may submit a proposal on the Presentation Submission page.